Here at Unilet Sound & Vision, we understand that everything about hi-fi and home cinema is subjective. Every visitor to our showroom has unique tastes and distinctive preferences, and we love helping our customers find that perfect audio/visual fit.
The absolute best way to achieve this is through demonstration of the many components, products, and systems which are available, and it’s something we love to do.
We don’t rush the process – we appreciate that hi-fi can be an investment, and personal decisions require time to mature. We want you to be happy and confident about your choices, so ask as many questions as you like, and take as much time as you need.
Come listen, trust in your ears…
Sound is personal – come discover your preference…
Choose Your Sound
Loudspeakers come in many designs, each offering a unique tonality and sonic signature. Acoustic designers spend years exploring the movement of air, the choice of materials, and methods of construction, testing and refining in order to create something worthy of being called “high-fidelity”.
We can demonstrate many different designs of loudspeakers, all side-by-side. Come visit, put on your favourite music and listen. Listen closely. Try different combinations, maybe even choose different pre-amplifiers or power amplifiers?
Only you can decide which you prefer. Trust your ears to decide.
Come see – and experience…
Every space is unique – use your imagination…
Select Your Look
Seeing is believing. Never underestimate the effect that vision can have on the perception of sound.
By this we mean that the design aesthetic of all hi-fi and home cinema components should be sympathetic to the space in which they reside. Some people prefer hidden components, some prefer their systems to match, complement or sit in contrast to their rooms.
The internet is getting much better at providing good quality, high resolution images of components, but once again – seeing is believing. When you visit for a demonstration, you’ll use your eyes just as much as your ears. A great many decisions are influenced by look, so let your eyes guide you to the perfect system for you.
Touch, feel, look closely…
Audition, compare, choose…
Touch, Feel, Choose
A great many people new to hi-fi and home cinema are amazed by how well-made the components are. Materials matter, as does fit, finish, and overall feel. There is great satisfaction to be had in experiencing quality construction.
It would be a rare demonstration in which our customers manage not to touch the products. Most people will at the very least run a finger over a beautifully machined surface or glossy wood veneer, and remark upon the quality.
So please do make time to visit our friendly London showroom, and book a demonstration with our knowledgable, experienced staff. Use all your senses to fully experience hi-fi, and choose something truly personal.