Hi-Fi Sales

Unilet Sound & Vision are a specialist retailer of all-things Hi-Fi. After 50+ years in the industry, we know Hi-Fi sales inside-out.

The term “Hi-Fi” is short for “High-Fidelity Audio” – a term coined in the 1950’s to describe audio components and music systems which aim to deliver high-quality reproduction of sound.

Lovers, enthusiasts and aficionados of Hi-Fi are known as audiophiles – and we count ourselves amongst their number. Once you’ve experienced amazing sound, nothing else comes close.

The ideal hi-fi system is often described as one that adds absolutely nothing unwanted to the original recording – zero noise, zero distortion, and zero colouration of the music. This is very challenging to achieve, not least because audio is extremely subjective, and everyone has their own valid opinion on what sounds good.

KEF Reference Series

KEF Blade & Blade Two

Dedicated Components

One central idea in the world of Hi-Fi is that any given piece of equipment is usually designed to do just ONE thing as perfectly as possible.

This has led to manufacturers developing lots of separate, dedicated components, each unit focused upon one small section of the overall signal chain.

Some brands make superb loudspeakers, some specialise in amplification, some are experts in cabling and interconnects, and still others develop amazing reproduction systems, such as CD Players or Turntables.

With so many brands producing such a variety of great components, there are an unlimited number of possible combinations available. This is understandably daunting for anyone looking to purchase their first proper hi-fi component or system, and it’s where our hard-won knowledge and experience can help.

Bowers & Wilkins Nautilus

Devialet Expert Pro

Form & Function

Many hi-fi components are works of art – beautifully designed statement pieces which complement any space, and elicit positive comments from all who enter. To own and display such units is to show an appreciation of form, as well as function.

Other hi-fi components demonstrate wonderfully solid engineering principles – they are precision pieces from which functional elegance shines. Those who appreciate such units are expressing their love of mechanical beauty in audio reproduction.

Regardless of which you prefer, the joy of hi-fi is that it is personal – and there is no need to compromise on sound quality to achieve the look, feel, or system that best suits you. Talk to Unilet today, and we can help you realise your ideal hi-fi system – form, function, or both.

KEF Muon

Devialet Phantom Series

Listen Without Prejudice

Regardless of the form/function debate, the one thing everyone agrees on is that it’s all about the sound. The only way to truly choose your hi-fi system is by listening, auditioning and comparing different components.

This is where our friendly London showroom scores over pure internet shopping. Come visit, sit & relax, and compare different systems in comfort over a complimentary cup of coffee. No rush, no pressure.